Pathways Signposts
Stories from Immanuel Pathways

Our First Pathways Interns Report Fantastic Experiences!
The first Pathways Fund interns have completed their internships at Goodwin House, a senior living facility. With your support, students who couldn’t afford unpaid internships explored work experiences that expanded how they imagine their future. Read more about their feedback in this Signpost!

Our Pathways Interns Need Immanuel English and History Tutors!
Communities In Schools reports that some of their students would benefit from tutoring (by video), particularly in English and history. Details are still to be worked out, but we’re looking to find out who might be interested.

Signposts Readers Surprised Us With How They Said They Develop a Sense of Purpose or Direction
In Signpost #5 (July 9) we asked you “How have you developed a sense of purpose or direction?” We focused on purpose because that’s where many of you took us in response to the prompt in Signpost #2 (June 18), “I would consider myself successful if and when…”
We expected answers to involve some sort of action you took to discover purpose or direction — but that’s not how you responded.
In this Signpost we invite you to see the responses, share your reactions, and even discuss the topic further with another Immanuelite.

Pathways Fund Interns Need Our Support!
In this Signpost we highlight three ways that you can help support our Pathways Fund interns. The Pathways Internship Fund is a limitless opportunity for us to expand our reach, from supporting Immanuel youth and young adults (we call this “Pathways Inreach”) to outside the borders of Immanuel (“Pathways Outreach”), particularly to disadvantaged, under-mentored youth (“Pathways Upreach”).

Will Harper, an Immanuel Young Adult, on “Purpose”
In this Signpost we highlight three extraordinary articles from our Resource Map and ask you to suggest a video or reading resource that has helped you develop a send of purpose or direction. The articles are written by Will Harper, a young adult from Immanuel and Pathways Mentor.

How Immanuelites Define “Success”
In this Signpost we share what we learned from your responses to the prompt, “I would consider myself successful if and when…” You told us success is a path and not a destination, and that creating a sense of purpose and direction is key. We invite you to keep the conversation going, on how you develop a sense of purpose or direction.

Help Seekers Connect with Mentors for Chats!
Today, we want to introduce two tips — one for mentors and one for seekers, designed to help make connecting for one-on-one chats easier. These tips respond to feedback from seekers— They sometimes are intimidated, confused, and uncertain about how to initiate chats with one of the 130 Immanuel mentors who have registered in the Pathways Mentor Directory.

Too Many of Us Confuse Our Purpose
To Flynn Bucy, the core pursuit in life should focus on who you want to be. What kind of person do you want to be? Watch him explain it in his Mentor Story featured in this Signpost…

Let’s Start a Conversation About Purpose and Success
You have a unique perspective based on your own life experience, and we’d love to hear from you! Share your response to a prompt about “success,” presented the way you might find as a member of a Pathways Guide Team in this issue of Signposts.

IPC Pathways Would Have Changed My Life
When you travel bumpy roads – and you will, maybe you are right now — Pathways will inspire you to think more consistently, and productively, about aligning what you do in life (work-wise and otherwise) with who you are.