Chat With an Immanuel Seeker

What is This?

If you are a member of Immanuel or connected to Immanuel, and are college age or older, you have experience and wisdom to share with youth and young adults. By simply listening, asking a few questions, and sharing your stories in a conversation over video or a cup of coffee, you can make a difference for seekers imagining their future— of work, value systems, obligations to self and others, and choices about living in service to the world.

What Do I Need to Do?

  • Create your mentor profile if you haven’t yet done so. Go Here 

  • See how you can impact a seeker. Go Here

  • Explore our tips on making your seeker chats great. Go Here

  • Wait to hear from seekers who will email you requesting a chat.

 Haven’t Registered for Chats Yet?

If you’ve signed up to be a mentor, but haven’t yet registered for chats, you need to complete the form below to be featured in our mentor directory. Seekers will review your profile, and reach out by email to chat.

 Why Mentors Matter

Seekers Need You

Youth and young adults today want to chat with those who have life experience, a good listening ear, the ability to ask a few questions, and stories to share.

You Can Change a Life

The choices emerging adults face affect much more than work — they influence lifestyle, social patterns, where you live and who you are. The chance to talk through some of these choices can really help!

A Diversity of Choices for Seekers

Seekers have many different interests and questions, which is why we need the wisdom and experience YOU offer. Your unique perspective might be just what they need.

Being a Mentor is Rewarding

Most mentors believe they get more out of the experience than their seekers! We want this to serve both our younger, AND older adults of Immanuel.

Strengthen Intergeneration Ties at Immanuel

Young people will be more active in the church if they feel ties to more people in the congregation. You have a lot of power to help expand this community!

You Can Offer Your Spiritual Values

As a community of faith, we know that choices are largely spiritual decisions. Pathways offers seekers an opportunity to chat with people who have thought about these topics.

 Tips for Creating a Great Seeker Experience…

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Register and Handle Chat Requests Effectively

Once you submit your experience for seekers to view, here are a few thoughts about what comes next in ensuring a smooth process for you, and seekers.

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Think You’re Not Qualified? Learn Why You’re WRONG!

Here are a few reasons about why you are a great mentor— whether you are or were happy at work, retired, stayed at home, or just starting out.

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Review Our Ideas for Making Chats Great

Know how sometimes you talk with a friend and come away thinking, wow, that was a fantastic conversation! Here are a few ideas for making your seeker chats feel like that.

Looking for More Than a One-Time Chat? Join a Guide Team!

Whether or not you’ve chatted with any Immanuel seekers, guide teams offer a longer-term opportunity to meet regularly with two other Immanuelites. The three of you choose books, articles, videos, and exercises to discuss and spark inspiration. Each team has a high school or college student, a young adult and an older adult.