Lead and Attend Forums & Events

 Forums give seekers and mentors an opportunity to share stories, ask questions and learn from each other. They are led by Immanuelites and those from other faith communities and experiences.

What’s Coming Up

Click the video above to learn more about the Internship Fair.

Thanks to a grant in March 2021 from the Immanuel Endowment Fund, Harraseeket will host an internship fair for high school and college students, and potential mentors for these students.

We expect panels of speakers (intern employers and those with internship experience) to cover: What internships offer, why internships are a good idea, how to find and apply for the right internship, getting the most out of internships, how mentors can support the interns.

Volunteer to help by contacting Liz Velander at velandereb@gmail.com.

Stay Tuned for More Information!

What’s happened to your work life? Your bank account? Do you have an emergency fund, or do you wish you had one? What about living with your parents? What’s up with your student loans, rent, mortgage, and 401k)/retirement plan? Are you budgeting? How do your values and long term goals play into all this? And how about your hopes for a fulfilling work life?

Join us for a one-hour discussion on financial topics of interest to you. It will be led by Kelly McNerney and Alexis Grason, Financial Advisors at FJY Financial in Reston. Kelly and Alexis will bring their extensive experience in advising young people on these issues.

Stay Tuned for Dates!


Past Forums & Events

We’ve had nine forums so far for high school students, college students, young adults and all ages. A total of 210 have attended all the forums.


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Designing Your Life Workshops 

Our Goal: To imagine our future— not design it, but imagine its possibilities, together.

In 2018 young adults participated in roundtable discussions, and in 2021 high school students, college students and young adults participated in a two-part conversation, on some of the big questions in life: Who am I?  Where am I going in the next few years of my life?  What are my values?  What is important to me?  What do I believe in?  We based our discussions on the book Designing Your Life by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans. 

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Thinking About College

Our Goal: To begin building a pathway to a future that’s fulfilling, interesting and meaningful!

In 2019 high school students joined a roundtable discussion with college students on college life and college issues. In 2021 we brought together students from Langley, Woodbridge, Eleanor Roosevelt, McLean and Frederick Douglass to discuss picking a major in college, and how to take the stress out of it. The students engaged in some personal exploration to figure out what motivates them, and asked, what am I really good at? What do I care about in the world?

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Finding Meaning at Work and Making Career Choices

Our Goal: Identify how work can be a place to express and grow your core values.

In 2019 we held a dinner forum for all ages with a panel discussing how they had traveled their career and work paths. In 2020 students from 8 high schools attended a series of panel discussions on making more informed vocation decisions. 23 adults shared reflections on the paths they’ve travelled and the lessons they’ve learned. Panelists included three guidance counselors, a financial planner, and eight young adults with a variety of life experiences and fascinating careers.

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Life Planning Issues

Goal: Dealing with the stuff that helps you make progress in living a life of real meaning. 

In 2019 we held a financial literacy forum for young adults, discussing budgeting, saving, investing, student loans and the spiritual aspects of finances. We also held a luncheon in 2017 for college students, with a roundtable of young adults talking about life and “the real world” after college and the issues graduates face.