Think You’re Not Qualified? Learn Why You’re WRONG
Think you’re not qualified to be a mentor? Think again!
Everyone college age or older has lots to offer seekers. Here we are going to discredit some of the reasons people have shared with us about why they think they shouldn’t be mentors.
“I’m not qualified and haven’t been trained.”
Are you interested in discussing life choices? Are you a good listener? Then you are qualified. We can’t think of anyone at Immanuel who wouldn’t be a great mentor.
Also, we’ll offer discussion forums from time to time on best mentor practices.
“My career and life experiences aren’t interesting enough.”
We seriously doubt that. Also, specific career experience isn’t the only thing seekers are looking for. Many of the conversations aren’t about work at all. They want the conversations to:
Explore lifestyle issues in work and family choices
Figure out school issues
Address volunteering opportunities, and other activities outside work
Think about work-life balance
Talk about the challenges of raising a family
Discuss where to live
Think about their spiritual values and life goals
Be pointed towards others in the congregation (and outside the congregation) they should chat with
“What if no one asks me to chat?”
Many more mentors register than seekers. That’s in the nature of the makeup of the congregation. There’s a good chance many mentors will not be contacted for a conversation. That’s totally fine! Showing that you are available means a lot to seekers.
“I’ve been home for a long time/I’m retired.”
Seekers usually aren't looking for you to have current job experience. They’re looking for the wisdom and experience of those who have considered and followed different life paths – including staying at home, switching jobs, and work-life balance.
“There are enough mentors already”
Supporting the younger members is a shared responsibility of the entire community. Seekers benefit from diversity and choices. The more mentors in the directory, the richer the choices for them.
“I’m too busy.”
Seekers are only looking for a single chat over video or a cup of coffee, not a long-term mentoring commitment. Even as we hope you develop a connection, your commitment is only for one conversation.
Also, if there’s a period when you’re really busy, just tell us when you’re unavailable, and we’ll mark the directory accordingly.