Welcome to IPC Pathways
A mentoring program at Immanuel Presbyterian Church that encourages “seekers” — youth and young adults at Immanuel and in underserved communities — to imagine their future.
What’s Involved
Join IPC Pathways!
Become a Seeker
Register as a seeker to access all these unique opportunities to learn from fellow seekers and Immanuel mentors. In no time you’ll be requesting mentor conversations, joining a guide team, participating in forums and events, seeing opportunities to try different work experiences, reading and watching resources submitted by Immanuelites, and imagining your future!
Become a Mentor
Register as a mentor to share stories with seekers about your experiences and lessons learned at home, at work, in volunteering and in life. We need mentors from college-age to senior citizen. You choose how to contribute— a single conversation with seekers, ongoing conversations in a 3-person guide team, in a forum, suggestions for inspirational content, and/or mentoring a high school intern.
How Pathways Makes an Impact
Pathways Inreach
Pathways Outreach
Pathways Upreach
IPC Pathways Has Touched Many … 170 have signed up for conversations, 210 have attended forums, and over 100 video and reading resources have been contributed by mentors and seekers.
This Program is Supported By…
IPC Pathways—including this website, forums, and various resources— is supported by a nonprofit called The Harraseeket Foundation (“hair-a-SEEK-it”) as part of its mission to encourage community-based mentoring programs to help youth and young adults imagine their future. Harraseeket is proud to work closely with Immanuel’s staff, the Spirituality & Learning Committee, the Youth Ministry Committee and a number of Immanuel volunteers.
Donate to Help Support the Expansion of Pathways
Donations to The Harraseeket Foundation (a 501(c)(3) public charity) will help support the continued expansion of the Pathways program— including the seven programs mentioned above, and launching new Pathways communities!
Signposts: Stories from Immanuel Pathways
In Signpost #5 (July 9) we asked you “How have you developed a sense of purpose or direction?” We focused on purpose because that’s where many of you took us in response to the prompt in Signpost #2 (June 18), “I would consider myself successful if and when…”
We expected answers to involve some sort of action you took to discover purpose or direction — but that’s not how you responded.
In this Signpost we invite you to see the responses, share your reactions, and even discuss the topic further with another Immanuelite.

Interested in Pathways for Your Community?
If you are involved in a worship community or a nonprofit in the DC area other than Immanuel, and think a Pathways program might be of interest to that community, please share the page linked below and use the link to contact us!